Friday, April 30, 2010

Seed Update and More

No sprouting yet and the remaining floating radish seeds are now resting on the bottom of the water bath. I can't really blame them, they had a pretty good run on the surface. They floated for almost 20 days. I am going to keep planting for at least five more days and after that we will just sit back and watch. There have been a number of sunny days and the sun room, where the experiment is happening. It has been just perfect for starting seeds. You know the old saying a watched pot never boils? Well, I am going to be at a writing conference this weekend and have high hopes that when I return on Sunday the seeds will be showing some sign of growth!

With me well at the conference. I am really looking forward to it.

1 comment:

  1. Has it really been that long since you started the experiment? Good luck at the conference. I can't wait!
