Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Doctor and the Diva by Adrienne McDonnell

I know I don't usually review historical novels but this one you can't miss. First of all, I know the author because she was my creative writing professor at UC Berkeley. Secondly it is just a great book. Despite the full schedule I carry and the kids I couldn't put it down. I don't' think I can describe it more eloquently than the many reviews The Doctor and the Diva is getting so I will post and link to her site and some of the reviews she has recieved. But if you are looking for a beautiful story with a pace that makes it difficult to put down, this is a great one. I felt as if I had gone on a long vacation and fell in love when the last page had been read.

"Some novels just naturally enslave you, and this is one of them.... serious and gripping... [a] brilliant debut novel..." -- The Washington Post

"This amazing debut novel ... is, quite simply, one of the best novels I've read all year." -- an Editor's Choice selection, Historical Novels Review

"...sumptuous... [an] explosive tale... Read the book now, then place bets on when the movie version will come out." -- Redbook

Here's a link to the Washington Post review of THE DOCTOR AND THE DIVA, if you're interested:

Or visit her website:

Let me know if you have read the book.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Kindergarten Is a Go And a New Story Too

After a busy week of helping my oldest child start kindergarten, I believe I might have stumbled onto a new story idea. But first I need to collect my data! Right? So I am asking for a bit of help.

To all those Mom's and Dads who follow my blog, could you share any details of what you remember about your first child (or others) starting school? What were you experiencing? Were there any worries, excitements, details of significance you can remember? Now this is not what your child was feeling; this is your experience. Any details would be helpful.

On another note, this Saturday I had my first semi-public reading of one of my stories, One Hundred Percent Sure. It was a very rewarding experience and the audience (of 13) were very positive with their comments. It was a much more fun to do than I thought and I hope to read my work (out loud) more often.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

It's Been Quite Again

I am happy to report that although it has been quite in Blog land, the writing continues. I am still working on sending out Granny Greenfield and have a new story that I have sent out for consideration for a magazine called One Hundred Percent Sure. This story was inspired by our recent trip to California and the my family who rallied to watch my boys while I took a few days away. It is never easy to get use to being away from your children but sometimes it is really good for everyone concerned. The kids missed us and they realized they could do just fine while we were gone. They also had some special times with their Aunt, Uncle, Cousins and Grandparents. We of course just missed them. Any way, I am one hundred percent sure we would do it again if we had the chance and I think the kids would agree. If you are interested in reading the story, let me know I will sent you a copy.