Sunday, April 11, 2010

Another Response From an Agent

I sent out a copy of my 'green' story Granny Greenfield Has a Farm to an agency back in September. Just received an email back this am (that's right, 7 months later). Again I am getting positive feedback but they didn't think it was right for them to represent. Something similar happened in November when a publishing house picked the book in their top 20 for the year. Even so they didn't publish it. OH...I hope I am getting closer. Both of these places were reading an earlier version of the story and I believe it is stronger now so I just need to keep getting it out there to the right people.

I am set to go to a SCBSI writing conference in May and this story will be reviewed by an editor (one of the speakers) so I hope she can help guide the book in the right direction. I will keep you posted.

Need to stary those seeds soaking. I know today will be the day.


  1. before I die Granny Greenfield will be a song I will be singing a dream come true of a cool song inside a GREAT childrens story...thanks for the creation of it, my vote is it is going to happen way before your children are done with elementary school.

  2. Thanks for your vote of confidence. I hope so too.

  3. So happy to be a charter member of Megan's Writing Adventure. Looking forward to enjoying all of your success, which i know you will have after having the privilege of hearing you read some of your work!
