Saturday, April 17, 2010

Radish Seeds Stink

As we are now in day seven of the seed soak, I can say with confidence and with sorrow that radish seeds stink. Their water doesn't look so good either. It is cloudy and has a yellow tint to it. The seeds are mostly bunched together seemingly going along for the ride. If I were to use my seed psychology, which I have yet to try, I would go as far as to say they are as happy as a bed of clam at the bottom of the sea. I am saving the slime test for day ten when I start to plant them. Because some have stayed on the surface and others have sunk I am going to plant all seeds, high and low, to see if there is a difference in their ability to grow.

Now for the Cabbage seed update, well, there are only two floaters left. They just don't have the bouyance they need to hold to the surface. My guess is that if this was a plant that Darwin has some sucess with, he floated the whole plant with seeds still attached. Now that would truly stink. I will still give them a shot at germination. Who knows, maybe the seed journey is in the water or at the bottom of the sea. Either way they need to grow to make my story work.

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