Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Blogging my New Writing Yoga

I was in my Yoga class Monday evening and for the third week in a row two fellow yoga goers got up and left at the best part. If you have ever taken a yoga class you know that, come the end of the stretching, contorting and holding poses that send burning sensations thought muscles you didn't even know you had, the instructor sends you to the floor to lie flat on your back. It is a real pose with a very fancy name but the westerners call it 'the dead man pose'. After all the hard work you get to lie there flat on your back feeling your body settle down and absorb all the goodness you have just given it. Often in those few minutes extreme calm comes over you and a clarity that allows feelings and ideas to flow through. I love these few minutes and I don't know why anyone would leave at the moment of the best part.

I started thinking that my blogging is like my writing yoga. I get a tidbits of an ideas and I practice writing a few paragraph. It's like pushing my hands closer to the ground, flatting them and looking at the people behind me doing the same thing but in their own style. The blog gives me accountability and a shared experience that keeps me pushing myself even when I am tired and wanting to stop. Then the teacher or in this case the followers comes by to offer some comments or adjustments or some acknowledgement that your pose or post is just right. After the class is over you leave with a feeling of accomplishment, knowing you have met your goal. In yoga, like writing you are never really done, the practice goes on but each time you do it you get a little stronger, a bit more confident and moments of pure clarity.


  1. Such clarity! This is great and although I am a yoga drop out (may be time to try again), I totally get it!
