Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Children's Book Review: Owen By Kevin Henkes

Getting back to the results of the poll I ran, the first runner up of topics for my blog was Children's books I love to recommend in my therapy practice. The first book for this review series is Owen by Kevin Henkes. Keenly hidden within a great main character Owen a mouse, and a simple story about a beloved attachment object fuzzy yellow blanket, is a great message for parents that you will receive without notice. Just how you want it right? Owen is getting ready for school and isn't going to be able to bring blanket along. So mom and dad, and a very nosey neighbor have to figure out a way to help him make the brake. I love the real developmental issues being use perfectly to make this story so easy to relate to.

One of my favorite aspects of my work is looking for creative ways to help parents and children when they are stuck. The story Owen is a perfect example of taking a difficult growing moment and making it meaningful and joyous.

If you have never read this book I think you will really enjoy the story and the message. I would love to here your thoughts from those who have read the book a hundred times to those who have just checked it out for the first.


  1. Hmmm... another book I haven't read yet. So.... just requested it from the Library. :D

  2. You will love it. This is just the kind of book I want to write. Or should I say am writing!!!

  3. Megan, I LOVE this story. Kevin Henkes is pretty awesome. Another one of my favorites of his is Chrysanthemum.
