Sunday, August 22, 2010

Kindergarten Is a Go And a New Story Too

After a busy week of helping my oldest child start kindergarten, I believe I might have stumbled onto a new story idea. But first I need to collect my data! Right? So I am asking for a bit of help.

To all those Mom's and Dads who follow my blog, could you share any details of what you remember about your first child (or others) starting school? What were you experiencing? Were there any worries, excitements, details of significance you can remember? Now this is not what your child was feeling; this is your experience. Any details would be helpful.

On another note, this Saturday I had my first semi-public reading of one of my stories, One Hundred Percent Sure. It was a very rewarding experience and the audience (of 13) were very positive with their comments. It was a much more fun to do than I thought and I hope to read my work (out loud) more often.


  1. Well, with my first one -10 yrs ago- I was very nervous and excited, and wanted the First Day of Kindergarten to be perfect! He had new stuff, clothes, backpack, lunchbox, we had a special breakfast, etc. Needless to say it wasn't at all perfect at all...the boy was cold, we didn't have a jacket, he cried a bit, I forgot the spoon for his yoghurt, and felt super guilty for a long time. Up until I realized that he's having a blast. With the next one I couldn't have cared less, didn't do anything special, and guess what...turned out to be the perfect first day of Big K!

  2. Congrats on the public reading! As far as first day of school memories, I too wanted Grace's first day to be perfect. I was excited for her and nervous that she would be okay. I remember thinking 'What if she has to go to the bathroom but is afraid to ask.' I also had to be the first one in the pick-up line because I didn't want her to worry that I wouldn't be there.

  3. Thanks Cari and Sonja for your comments!
