Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Paris part three: The sewer tour and Boat Tour

Collin had heard about the longest standing tour in Paris which is called the sewer system tout. Unfortunately it was actually a live active sewer and probably the most disgusting thing I've ever done. It really stunk.

Here is a picture of Hadley's possum Poss the Boss hanging out with rats from the sewer.

We are actually in the sewer here.

Right before we left the sewer the boys found a little shop which was actually in the silver where they picked up two more loveys for their collections. Their names are Piper and Sniffy the rats. Piper is gray and Sniffy is brown. Fortunately they were wrapped in plastic so they didn't smell like the sewer.

The day was redeemed by taking a boat ride around the Paris canals right after we got out of the sewer. It was an incredibly beautiful day and I tried to sit back and just watch and not take too many pictures but here's one I took with the Eiffel Tower in the background.

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